phpstorm -xmx_PhpStorm 8-新功能
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phpstorm -xmx

Jetbrains is famous for the early access program on the IDEs they make – a pre-release version of the IDE is made publicly available months ahead of release time, so people have time to test it, report bugs and provide feedback. It’s like beta, just not the beta we’re used to today (modern “beta” is a kind of excuse for a product to suck for a long time). After the EAP is done, they move onto beta, fully test the features they’ve implemented and fix bugs, and only then release.

Jetbrains以其制作的IDE的早期访问程序而闻名-IDE的预发布版本在发布时间的几个月前就可以公开获得,因此人们有时间对其进行测试,报告错误并提供反馈。 这就像beta,而不是我们今天已经习惯的beta(现代“ beta”是产品长期吮吸的一种借口)。 EAP完成后,他们进入Beta版,全面测试已实现的功能并修复错误,然后才发布。


PhpStorm, my personal IDE of choice, and one we’ve , is now approaching version 8 and has had its EAP version available since March 6th, 2014. Let’s take a look at what’s coming through their changelogs and EAP posts and additionally explain the most important features with links and/or clarifications (we won’t be covering bug fixes, read the release logs for those).

PhpStorm是我个人选择的IDE,我们之前已经 ,现在已经接近版本8,并且自2014年3月6日起提供了EAP版本。让我们看看他们的变更日志和EAP帖子所带来的影响,并另外说明带有链接和/或说明的最重要功能(我们将不涵盖错误修复,请阅读这些错误的发布日志)。

Drupal 8支持和多个游标 (Drupal 8 Support and Multiple Cursor)

EAP introduced the EAP’s beginning and announced several highly requested features like:

EAP 引入了EAP的开始,并宣布了一些备受要求的功能,例如:

  • multiple cursor (see detailed post )


  • Drupal 8 support (see detailed post )

    Drupal 8支持( 查看详细信息)

  • Improved formatting of chained calls

  • Quick Documentation for live templates

  • Local History for selected function, class or method

  • New PHP formatting options: Class fields alignment

  • Unwrap/remove action for control structures

  • New PHP debug feature: Copy array/object value path (in variable context menu)

  • Generate multiple getters/setters for a field

    为一个字段生成多个getter / setter
  • Type inference: instanceof with OR, support for array access via constant

  • Advanced AngularJS support (details )

    先进的AngularJS支持( 详细信息)

  • Spy-js JavaScript tracing tool integration (details )

    Spy-js JavaScript跟踪工具集成( 详细信息)

  • New Live console in JavaScript and Node.js debugger that allows you to enter commands and code

  • Bower integration: search through Bower registry, manage components in the IDE

  • RequireJS aliases support

  • CucumberJS and Less 1.6 support

    CucumberJS和Less 1.6支持
  • Live templates are now suggested in code completion

  • Code blocks automatically indent after closing a curly brace


Find the rest or on the original EAP post.


PhpUnit 4.0支持 (PhpUnit 4.0 Support)

Two weeks later, EAP introduced the following changes:

两周后,EAP 了以下更改:

  • WordPress support (see tutorial and announcement post )

    WordPress的支持(参见教程并公告后 )

  • PhpUnit 4.0 support (details )

    PhpUnit 4.0支持( 详情)

  • Structural Search and Replace is


  • Constant alignment options in coding style

  • Debugging with node-webkit

  • Updated Dart and Spy-js plugins

  • Autocomplete now suggests the input type=file as well

    现在,自动完成功能也建议输入type = file

..and more. To see the full list, see the original EAP post or the .

..和更多。 要查看完整列表,请参阅原始EAP帖子或 。

远程口译员 (Remote Interpreters)

Another week after the last EAP, came out and support for remote PHP interpreters was added (which allows developers to use PHP interpreters over SSH, running debug and testing tools remotely) – see how to use this – and full support for PHPUnit via SSH (with multiple configurations) was introduced. Likewise, the WordPress and Composer command line tools can now work with pure executable. For an exhaustive list of these minor changes read the full EAP post or the .

在上一个EAP之后的第二周, 出现了,并增加了对远程PHP解释器的支持(允许开发人员通过SSH使用PHP解释器,远程运行调试和测试工具)– 了解如何使用该工具–并通过全面支持PHPUnit引入了SSH(具有多种配置)。 同样,WordPress和Composer命令行工具现在可以使用纯可执行文件。 有关这些次要更改的详尽列表,请阅读完整的EAP帖子或 。

PhpDoc注释块中的Markdown支持 (Markdown Support in PhpDoc comment blocks)

On April 3rd in EAP , a notable new feature was added among others – Markdown support in PhpDoc comment blocks. You can read the details of this implementation, as well as see a demo use case, in . Markdown was implemented due to PhpDocumentor’s support of MarkDown as , but it’s fair to say that this goes a bit against the grain and exposes bias towards that particular tool. The main competitor to PhpDocumentor, , is missing this aspect.

4月3日,在EAP ,添加了一个显着的新功能– PhpDoc注释块中的Markdown支持。 您可以在阅读此实现的详细信息,并查看演示用例。 Markdown的实现是由于PhpDocumentor对MarkDown的支持(如此处 ,但可以这样说,这是有道理的,并且暴露了对该特定工具的偏见。 PhpDocumentor的主要竞争对手缺少此方面。

Other improvements include multiple PHPUnit configurations for both local and remote runs now, a missing fix, and more. More features and bug fixes can be seen in .

其他改进包括现在可以同时在本地和远程运行的多个PHPUnit配置,缺少的修复程序等等。 更多功能和错误修复可以在 。

远程解释器上PHPUnit涵盖范围 (PHPUnit Coverage on Remote Interpreters)

Less than a week after the last EAP, the Jetbrains team released EAP , with added PHPUnit 4.0 coverage support for remote interpreters – a feature introduced a mere two EAP versions ago – and drastically improved indexing performance, improving the workflow smoothness on larger projects. Debugging with node-webkit was added, too, and a new text editing shortcut was added in which command/ctrl + backspace deletes until the beginning/end of the line.

在上一次EAP之后不到一周的时间里,Jetbrains团队发布了EAP ,并增加了对远程解释器PHPUnit 4.0覆盖支持(此功能仅在两个EAP版本之前才引入),并大大提高了索引性能,提高了大型项目的工作流程的流畅性。 还添加了使用node-webkit进行调试的功能,并添加了新的文本编辑快捷方式,其中删除了command / ctrl +退格键,直到行的开始/结束为止。

新的PSR-0 / PSR-4检查 (New PSR-0/PSR-4 inspections)

EAP introduced new inspections for mismatching namespace/name in class path, added further improvements to the @throws annotations from the previous EAP, included a filtered stack trace for PHPUnit and skipped or incomplete tests, added an “Add Field” intention for field assignments in constructors, .

EAP 引入了新的检查,以检查类路径中的名称空间/名称是否不匹配,对以前的EAP的@throws批注进行了进一步的改进,包括对PHPUnit的过滤堆栈跟踪和跳过或不完整的测试,为字段分配添加了“添加字段”意图在构造函数中, 。

On the Webstorm side, grunt now gives feedback on successful or unsuccessful builds, and you can edit JS documentation URLs (up until this point you could only add or remove them). Debugging-wise, breakpoints can now have groups and names, and they’re indicated in the right gutter as well.

在Webstorm方面,grunt现在会提供有关构建成功或失败的反馈,并且您可以编辑JS文档URL(到目前为止,您只能添加或删除它们)。 现在,在调试方面,断点可以具有组和名称,并且它们也在右侧装订线中指示。

禁用拖放 (Disable Drag & Drop)

Mostly a fix edition, adds the option to disable Drag and Drop in Project View – a feature that tends to get quite tedious when using unreliable input methods (trackpads and similar) or when jacked up on too much caffeine :) It also added a Restart button to Grunt’s console and some code folding improvements, allowing you to fold only “if” or only “else” in an if-else block, not the whole thing. Nothing major, in any case, but you can read the rest .

通常是一个修订版, 添加了在Project View中禁用拖放功能的选项-当使用不可靠的输入法(触控板等)或将其添加过多的咖啡因时,该功能会变得非常乏味:) Grunt控制台上的Restart按钮和一些代码折叠改进,使您可以在if-else块中仅折叠“ if”或“ else”,而不折叠整个东西。 在任何情况下都没什么大不了的,但是您可以在阅读其余内容。

在foreach语句中自动创建@var声明 (Auto-create @var declarations in foreach statements)

If you’re a stickler for well documented code like I am, you’ll appreciate the changes brings. This edition added the option to auto-generate @var declarations for temporary variables in foreach blocks – something I do manually every time I “foreach” just to get autocomplete help when using the variables in the loop. A small but very useful upgrade. A new intention was also added which replaces quotes with NOWDOC/HEREDOC. If you’re interested in bug fixes, see .

如果您像我一样是记录良好的代码的忠实拥护者,您将不胜感激带来的变化。 这个版本增加了为在foreach块中的临时变量自动生成@var声明的选项-每次我“ foreach”时都会手动执行此操作,以便在循环中使用变量时获得自动完成帮助。 很小但非常有用的升级。 还添加了一个新的意图,用NOWDOC / HEREDOC替换了引号。 如果您对错误修复感兴趣,请参见 。

能够从引用远程文件的文件中通过URL打开远程文件 (Ability to open remote files by URL from the file that references them)

was a fix release for a bug in the previous EAP release, and introduced a single useful new feature – files you open by URL can open files they reference in the source. For example, opening a remote URL, the source code of the file will load in the IDE. You can now find resources in said source code (CSS or JS, for example) and have them open by URL too, simply by CTRL+clicking them. The full issue is described while the full release log is .

是针对先前EAP版本中的错误的修复版本,并引入了一项有用的新功能-通过URL打开的文件可以打开其在源中引用的文件。 例如,打开一个远程URL,文件的源代码将加载到IDE中。 现在,您可以在上述源代码中找到资源(例如CSS或JS),也可以通过URL打开它们,只需按CTRL键并单击它们即可。 完整的问题描述而完整的发布日志在 。

Behat支持 (Behat Support)

was the first EAP to introduce initial Behat support. Tutorials about Behat, the behavior driven development framework for PHP, are coming soon on SitePoint. Behat configurations are configured in the same way PHPUnit’s are.

是第一个引入初始支持的EAP。 有关Behat(PHP的行为驱动开发框架)的教程即将在SitePoint上发布。 Behat配置的配置与PHPUnit的配置相同。


“Skip Into” was added for XDebug so you can skip certain functions when debugging, type inference for variables that implement ArrayIterator or Iterator was added for foreach loops, some new formatting options, option to collapse certain regions by default, and a new PhpDoc tag: @uses and @used-by, indicating usage of a file so PhpStorm knows, for example, to ask you about it before you tell it to delete it. Read the rest .

为XDebug添加了“ Skip Into”,因此您可以在调试时跳过某些功能,为foreach循环添加实现ArrayIterator或Iterator的变量的类型推断,还提供了一些新的格式设置选项,默认情况下折叠某些区域的选项以及新的PhpDoc标记:@uses和@ used-by,指示文件的使用,例如,PhpStorm知道在告诉该文件删除之前先询问该文件。 在阅读其余内容。

In the , Behat support was improved further by adding intellisense, intentions to create DocBlocks were added, and an update block was introduced which checks for plugin compatibility before upgrading to a new major version of the IDE – something people had been clamoring for, especially those of us who use dozens of plugins and tend to see them break.


结论 (Conclusion)

This list is far from exhaustive, but it contains what I consider the most important updates and new features. A new EAP is on its way, and when it’s released this article will be updated accordingly. Which of these features make you the happiest? Are you using the EAP versions and testing the novelties already, or are you more of a stable-release kind of developer?

该列表远非详尽无遗,但包含了我认为最重要的更新和新功能。 一个新的EAP正在开发中,发布后,本文将进行相应的更新。 以下哪项功能使您最幸福? 您是否正在使用EAP版本并已经测试了新颖性,还是更稳定的开发人员?


phpstorm -xmx


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